Books by Michael Parenti

Dirty Truths

Dirty Truths is an eye-opening and entertaining collection of essays that investigate media and culture, consipiracy and state power, ideology and political consciousness. Parenti ranges over crucial issues of the day: free speech, the rise of neofascism, the coming ecological apocalypse, the relationship between wealth and poverty, the “terrorism” hype, the continuing mystifications about the Kennedy assassination, and the deceptions and injustices of U.S. corporate global domination.

Moving from the political to the personal, Parenti shows the links between seemingly disparate social and political forces. Dirty Truths also contains three poems and moving accounts of his own ethnic family life and the political intolerance he encountered in academia.

This book is a rich buffet, an enlightening and provocative feast for the mind and heart.


1. Politics and Issues

Hidden Holocaust, USA
Creating the Poor
Fascism in a Pinstriped Suit
Making the World Safe for Hypocrisy
The Terrorism Hype
Free Speech—At a Price
Term Limits: Trick or Treat?

2. Media and Culture

The “Liberal Media” Myth
Fabricating a “Cultural Democracy”
Giving Labor the Business
The Invisible Bloodbaths
Yeltsin’s Coup and the Media’s Alchemy
Now for the Weather
Some Call it Censorship

3. Conspiracy: Phobia and Reality

The JFK Assassination I: Defending the Gangster State
The JFK Assassination II: Conspiracy Phobia on the Left
The Wonderful Life and Strange Death of Walther Reuther (co-author Peggy Noton)

4. Political Theory and Consciousness

False Consciousness
Dividends Are Not Royalties
Political Science Fiction

5. Miscellany and Memorabilia

Struggles in Academe: A Personal Account
La Famiglia: An Ethno-Class Experience
The Blessings of Private Enterprise
Speak Truth to Power, My Love [poem]
Young People are Different [poem]
To My Son As I Contemplate My Death [poem]